Defining your needs is a collaborative process that leverages our first hand experience in the role you are looking to fill along with current market intelligence and what makes you and this role unique. It is with this foundational blueprint we are able to help you discover and select a new leader that will manifest excellence in the context of what makes you and this role unique as well as uncover any potential challenges targeting and courting this new leader.
- Project Organization
Each search commences with meetings to develop and confirm critical information such as required domain expertise for the position, key actors/roles, organizational teams, salary, benefits, and work locations as well as describe our process and how we will adapt it to your organization. We leverage our recruiting experience in industry and consulting to uncover the unique characteristics of your context and search.
- Service Objectives
We only present candidates who meet the requirements outlined in this phase and are interested your opportunity. As such, the number of candidates our clients typically interview before making a selection is generally only a handful (3 – 5) versus many (10+). This is different than many search firms. Our clients tell us they are not only amazed at the quality of our candidates but also the significant amount of time this saves them. We know your time is highly valuable so we invest our time in defining the rigorous criteria necessary to properly identify the candidates that will manifest excellence.
- Timeline
The typical timeline for the search is reviewed, discussed and agreed upon. We work with you to determine a realistic timeline that meets your needs and incorporates the efficiencies you’ll gain through having iHs rigorously vet candidates before you see them as well as allow for the time it takes to develop the passive, high potential candidates you want.
- Natural Behaviors
A PDP Job Model is created using tools to represent the natural behaviors and work styles that will best manifest excellent performance in the context of this role and your culture. We use these tools to assess candidates against this Job Model.
- Position Competency Model (PCM)
The best predictors for success in a role are indicated by observed competencies. We create a Position Competency Model (PCM) with your Hiring Manager to define these detailed predictors. The PCM is exclusive to iHS, and enables us to target and screen candidates for the role, including team fit.
- Interview Guides
Together we develop Interview Guides that will be utilized by your iHs Search Partner as well as all the participants from your company in the search process. These guides contain technical, experience, and behavioral based questions that map back to the PCM and provide each of us with the insight needed to understand if a candidate possesses the leadership, management, and domain expertise to manifest excellence in the context of your unique role and company.
- Progress Reviews
We establish regular Progress Review with you to monitor and control your search and ensure it stays on-track.
- Prioritize and Align
Our search partners average 25+ years of organization leadership and consulting experience in national professional services and industry positions. This gives us deep industry and leadership insight, and access to strong networks across the country. We help you better understand the current market, competitive positions, and candidate alternatives for your geographic location, position competencies, and compensation parameters.